Centos 7 Backup MariaDB using MySQL-zrm

One common mistake when we configure a server is forgot run backups, No enough time and other excuses can convince you that make a backup of a new server is not a priority, but sometimes a hipervisor fails and recover data from your virtual machine is hard or impossible. Trust me i saw a lot of unrecoverable databases in development environments unrecoverable after a power outage or hardware fail.

There are a big set of possible ways to backup mysql databases, it depends of several factors like database size, number of databases, reliability …

This tutorial will covered a basic backup for a database server with a small number of small – medium size databases.

Suppose that you have a MariaDB, Percona or Mysql service running and secured,

1 step create a mysql backup user.

  • mysql -uroot -p
  • grant select, insert, update, create, drop, reload, shutdown, alter, super, lock tables, replication client on *.* to ‘zrmbackup’@’localhost’ identified by ‘pass123’;
  • flush PRIVILEGES;

verify permissions

  • show grants for ‘zrmbackup’@’localhost’;

 2 step install Mysql-zrm

yum install epel-release

yum install MySQL-zrm.noarch

3 Step create a backup dir

mkdir /var/backup

*trick in my case I mounted a nfs share in this directory.

4 Step configure Mysql-zrm

We need edit mysql-zrm config file

vim /etc/mysql-zrm/mysql-zrm.conf

# Template for Zmanda Recovery Manager for MySQL configuration file
# Global configuration file is /etc/mysql-zrm/mysql-zrm.conf
# The file should be copied to /etc/mysql-zrm/<backup set name>/mysql-zrm.conf
# if backup set specific modifications are required.
# MySQL ZRM configuration file describes the backup configuration for
# a backup set. This file is organized into five sections for convenience
# - Backup parameters,
# - Databases/tables that are part of backup set,
# - MySQL server parameters
# - ZRM parameters.
# - ZRM plugin parameters.
# For more information about Zmanda Recovery Manager for MySQL, please
# see mysql-zrm(1) and/or Administration manual at Zmanda Network.
# Any line starting with '#' are comments and will be ignored

# Backup parameters

# Backup comment. This is a text string which can be retrieved
# using the mysql-zrm-reporter(1) tool. You can store some notes
# about the backup set.
# This parameter is optional and has no defaults.
#comment=This is a comment

# Backup level. It can be full or incremental
# Use 0 for full and 1 for incremental backups
# This parameter is optional and default value is full backup.

# Backup method
# Values can be "raw" or "logical". Logical backup are backups using
# mysqldump(1) tool
# This parameter is optional and default value is "raw".

# Size of LVM snapshot. This parameter is optional and  is required only
# for "raw" backup-mode and if the MySQL database data are stored in
# LVM logical volumes.
# A size suffix of k for kilobyte, m for megabyte, g for gigabyte
# or t for terabyte

# specifies the plugin for snapshot operations

# Specifies the type of backup
# Values can be "regular" or "quick".
# Quick backup type uses the snapshot itself as the backup
# without copying the data from the snapshot volume

# Directory to which backups are done. All backups are stored under this
# directory.  This parameter is optional and the default
# value is "/var/lib/mysql-zrm"

# Specifies how long the backup should be retained. The value can be
# specified in days (suffix D), weeks (suffix: W), months (suffix: M) or
# years (suffix Y). 30 days in a month and 365 days in a year are assumed
# This parameter is optional and the default is the backups are retained
# forever.

# This parameter should be set to 1 if MySQL ZRM backups are being on done on a
# MySQL replication slave.

# This parameter should be set to 1 if backups should be compressed. If this
# parameter is set, gzip(1) command is used by default. If different
# compression algorithm should be used, it must be set in "compress-plugin"
# parameter. Default: There is no data compression.

# This specifies the program to be used for compression. The "compression"
# parameter must be set for this parameter to be used. The compression
# command should also support -d option for uncompress backup images. If
# value is not specified then gzip(1) is used for compression.

# This parameter should be set to 1 if backups should be encrypted.
# The "encrypt-plugin" parameter must be configured. Default: There is no
# data encryption.

# This parameter specifies that the program that should be used for
# backup data encryption. "decrypt-option" parameter should also be specified.

# This specifies the option to be passed to the encryption
# program specified as "encrypt-plugin" parameter for decryption.

# Databases/Tables in the backup set
# One of the "all-databases" or "databases" or "tables"/"database" parameters
# should be specified. If none of the them are specified, "all-databases"
# is assumed.

# This parameter should be set to 1 if all databases are part of this backup set

# List of databases that are part of this backup set. Multiple database
# names are separated by space character. This parameter is ignored if
# "all-databases" is set 1.
#databases=wikidb forums

# List of specific tables that are part of this backup set. This parameter
# should not be specified if all tables in the databases in "databases"
# parameter are part of the backup set. Multiple table names should be
# separated by space character. The database to which these tables belong
# to should be specified in "database" parameter.
#tables=text user page

# The list of databases or tables that are excluded from the backup if the
# database name or table name matches the pattern. Wildcard characters *, ?,
# [, ] are supported. See mysql-zrm-backup man page for details
# exclude-pattern=<pattern>

# MySQL server parameters

# MySQL database user used for backup and recovery of the backup set.
# This parameter is optional. If this parameter is not specified, values from
# my.cnf configuration file.

# MySQL database user password.
# This parameter is optional. If this parameter is not specified, values from
# my.cnf configuration file or no password is used.

# Fully qualified domain name of the MySQL server.
# This parameter is optional. If this parameter is not specified, values from
# my.cnf configuration file.

# Port to which the MySQL server is listening to. This parameter is optional
# and default value is 3306

#Name of Socket file that can be used for connecting to MySQL

# ssl-options are arguments that are passed to MySQL client commands
# for SSL connection to the MySQL server. This parameter is optional and is
# required only if MySQL server allows SSL connections.
#ssl-options="--ssl --ssl-ca=file1 --ssl-cert=file2 --ssl-key=file3"

# This can be set to specify that mysqldump should dump stored routines also.
# This paramter is optional and the default is that stored routines are
# not dumped my mysqldump

# This can be set to 0 to specify that the --single-transaction
# should not be used for mysqldump

# This can be used to specif the character set name that mysqldump should
# use as default. This parameter is optional.
# If not specified utf8 is used as the default character set.

# Directory where MySQL commands can be found. The parameter is optional.

# Directory where MySQL binary logs can be found. The parameter is optional.

# Directory to use for temporary storage. This parameter is optional

# ZRM parameters

# This parameter controls the verbosity of MySQL ZRM logging. The MySQL ZRM logs
# are available at /var/log/mysql-zrm/mysql-zrm.log. This parameter is optional
# default value is 0 (less verbose).
# The valid values are 0 and 1

# After a backup run the backup report is emailed to the mailto address
# This parameter is optional and default behavior is not to send mail
# notifications.

# Policy on when the mail should be sent
# Values can be "always", "never" or "only-on-error"

# The list of backup reports that are generated after each backup run if
# "html-report-directory" parameter is specified.
# If this parameter is not specified, "backup-status-info" report is generated.
# Valid report names are : backup-method-info, backup-status-info,
#                          backup-retention-info, backup-performance-info,
#                          restore-full-info, restore-incr-info,
#                          replication-info, backup-app-performance-info
# See mysql-zrm-reporter(1) for details of backup reports.
# Multiple report names should be separated by ",".

# Directory in which Text/HTML reports will be created by mysql-zrm-reporter(1)
# tool. If this parameter is specified, the mysql-zrm-reporter(1) creates the
# backup reports in this directory after each successful or unsuccessful
# backup run.
# Text reports will be created under "Text" sub-directory
# HTML reports will be created under "Html" sub-directory

# If backup reports are required as RSS feed, "webserver-url" parameter must
# be specified. The value must be set to a valid location on the web server
# in which HTML reports are located and that URL can be used by
# administrator/user to browse HTML reports and can get to the RSS feeds.
# If this parameter is not specified, backup reports are not generated as
# RSS feeds. The list of reports that are available as RSS feed is specified
# in "html-reports".

# Location of RSS header file. Administrators can customize RSS channel
# properties using this file. A template for RSS header is available in
# /usr/share/mysql-zrm/plugins/RSS.header file. Location of RSS header
# must be provided if "webserver-url" is specified.

# ZRM plugin parameters.
# ZRM provides plugin interfaces to allow MySQL administrators to customize
# the backup to their environment.

# COPY plugin: Only one copy-plugin must be configured for a backup set.
# Socket Copy plugin is to used to transfer backup files from MySQL server to
# the machine running ZRM for MySQL with sockets.
# Please read the Notes at /usr/share/doc/mysql-zrm/README-plugin-socket-copy

# SSH Copy plugin is to used to transfer backup files from MySQL server to
# the machine running ZRM for MySQL with ssh
# Please read the Notes at /usr/share/doc/mysql-zrm/README-plugin-ssh-copy

# PRE-BACKUP plugin: Plugin that will be called before a backup run for
# the backup set.

# Set of parameters passed to the pre-backup-plugin. These parameters are
# passed to "pre-backup-plugin" before a backup run for the backup set.
# "pre-backup-plugin" parameter must be specified.
#pre-backup-plugin-options="option1 option2"

# POST-BACKUP plugin: Plugin that will be called after a backup run for
# the backup set.

# Set of parameters passed to the post-backup-plugin. These parameters are
# passed to "post-backup-plugin" after a backup run for the backup set.
# "post-backup-plugin" parameter must be specified.
#post-backup-plugin-options="option1 option2"

# PRE-SCHEDULER plugin: Plugin that can be used to dynamically determine the
# start time for a backup run.

# ZRM Plugin configuration parameters

# This parameter is used by the encrypt plugin and
# specifies the file containing the passphrase.

# This parameter is used by ssh-plugin.pl plugin to specify the user to be
# used to ssh to the  remote host

# This parameter is used by the ssh-copy.pl and socket-copy.pl plugins
# to specify the location of mysql client binaries on the remote host.

# This parameter is used by the socket-copy.pl plugin to specify the port
# to be opened on the remote host.

# This parameter is used by the windows-copy.pl plugin to specify the port
# to be opened on the windows machine during backup

# This parameter is used by the windows-copy.pl plugin to specify the port
# to be opened on the windows machine during restore

Step 5. Launch a backup

mysql-zrm-scheduler -now



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